Monday, May 14, 2007

I have 4 times now to write the first entry of this blog...and like me- I dont know if this blog is going to be consistant. I have tried so many times to write in a journal/blog type of thing and so many times I have crashed and burned with keeping it up. I dont know what it is- I just dont seem to have anything to say. My life is not interesting enough to write about. I'm not a wild and crazy kid- so that means I dont smoke-drink- or party. Plain and simple...Im quite boring. When I read other people's blogs-Im like always impressed by their stories or their POV on things. They always have the wittiest things to say and the funniest stories.
I just dont understand. I'm a damn good writer- and in person- I'm like really cool. But I wont stress over it. I'll do what Im good at...and thats being me. Well. My name is Dekota. Im 19 which is like the worst age to between 18(my best year ever) and 21...well for obvious reasons. I go to school. College. At Virginia Commonwealth University. I was a business major- but now I'm about to go into fashion...that is if I get a 3.0 gpa. Its kinda hard for me cause I had to take these retarded classes that I dont need in freaking math-religion-and friggin history that drastically brought my gpa down...real low. Anyways-I do some local modeling. I won a competition at VCU called VCU's Next Top Model- and I got cast in the biggest fashion show in Richmond called STRUT...its really competitive. So Im making a name for myself.
I tend to worry a lot. About stuff that I shouldnt even be worrying about...which is another entry within itself. I think Im bipolar and slightly anorexic. Im a huge hypochondriact, but I still seem to manage everything pretty well. If I was to sit here and explain everything that I was and wasnt-then Id be here forever. So for now-I'll leave at it at that.

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